Despite the rain, last Saturday's demo went off without a hitch. Thanks to the Rissell's for hosting and doing a lot of the leg work to get the demo set up. The stars of the night were Ranger's Pride and Crazy Commander. Both of these shot great at our January demo as well and look to be the stars of 2009. Oh Say also performed magnificently, overshadowing the best of the 9-shot racks.
We are all extremely busy this week, wrapping up early order (ends Tuesday!) and getting ready for this weekend's demo. We just finalized the shootlist today.
Click here to see our fireworks demo shootlist.BIG HINT - buy Crazy Commander and Ranger's Pride while you can. We ordered a lot, but these items will sell out by May. Remember, up to 22% off and free shipping ($2k or more) if you buy by Tuesday March 10th.